Giving Back
We Are Committed To Impacting The Lives Of Our Community Through...
Passion - Our Passion is our energy. We would not be the best at what we do if we did not Love what we do.
Service - All employees agree to dedicate at least 4 hours of their work week in volunteer efforts for the local community.
Charity - We give a portion or our income to San Antonio and global charities.
"It is one of the most beautiful compensations of life, that no man can sincerely try to help another without helping himself" - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Below are some of the local ways that the San Antonio Builder Guide Gives Back!

2014 Real Estate Bash!
This year we raised thousands of dollars for Charity at The Real Estate Bash, here Legacy Mutual Mortgage's Christina O'Connor presents a check for $2,500 to Maj. Joe Jeffries, Edison High School JROTC Commander!